
You’re (Not) Wanjoo Public Program

Panel Discussions

Protest Through The Arts
Sunday, 13 August
3:30pm – 4:45pm

Engage in truth-listening and soak up the generous insights of these Arts professionals and Creatives: Amanda Bell, Glenn Isegar-Pilkington and Sharyn Egan. With ample experience as First Nations People in the Arts, they will share their unique methods of protest and how they endeavour with undeniable vigour in the face of adversity.

Facilitated by Timmah Ball.

Protest in Media/Journalism
Friday, 18 August
7pm- 8:15pm

Lived experience ambassadors and journalism professionals unpack the structural inequalities that have built contemporary society on this continent. Megan Krakouer, Aunty Denice Kickett & Michelle White discuss entry barriers for mob to engage functionally in society as well as social issues that have resulted from colonisation.

Facilitated by Kearyn Cox.


Protest Sign-Making
Sunday, 20 August
2pm – 4pm

Whadjuk Nyoongar/Tainui artist Julianne Wade will be facilitating a protest sign-making workshop. Prep yourself for that next rally or show support for a worthy cause by hanging up artist and meaningful sign in a window at home or work.

Information & Ticketing


Moores Building, Henry Street, Fremantle


10 – 20 August

Image: Ilona McGuire and Cole Baxter